School of Arts and Sciences

Ms. Aherial礼貌, Dean for Arts and Sciences, smiles wearing a multi-colored dress top with a black dress jacket.


"Welcome to the School of the Arts and Sciences! We are facilitating student achievement as they embrace a journey of exploration, 创造力, and intellectual growth. The diverse landscape of the arts and sciences fosters communication, 批判性思维, 社会的相互作用, mathematical and analytical reasoning, and research methodology. We are excited to have you here with us."






An uppercase abstract A in mint green composed of a smaller leg representing 奥古斯塔 Technical College supporting the larger leg representing the 奥古斯塔 Community and economy. The words 奥古斯塔 Tech and School of Arts & Sciences are in heritage green font to the right of the a, stacked in three horizontal rows with School of Arts & Sciences in bold font.


The School of Arts and Sciences offers courses in order for students to meet the academic core requirements for their programs of study.  此外, students may select individual courses, or a battery of courses, to satisfy a variety of personal or career goals.  If you are a high school student who would like to complete courses for advanced college placement upon completion of high school, we invite you to enroll in our Early College Essentials Program.  You may also be interested in completing general education courses for transfer purposes or to earn a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies.  如果是这样的话, we invite you to enroll and to meet our compassionate and highly qualified faculty with your success being the ultimate objective.


