

Local graduate working to provide wireless internet to Super Bowl stadium, fans








我很高兴向你们介绍"鱼和薯条, a new and dynamic cybersecurity club at 买世界杯app推荐. 作为网络安全的热情倡导者, I am reaching out to invite you to join our club and be a part of an incredible journey in the world of digital defense. 在炸鱼薯条店, we aim to create a community of like-minded individuals who share a common interest in cyber security. 我们的俱乐部提供了一个交流的平台, 一技之长, 参加激动人心的网络安全竞赛. 我们坚信,通过走到一起, we can make a significant impact in enhancing our knowledge and expertise in this rapidly evolving field. 开启我们的旅程, we are organizing an important meeting to discuss and finalize the details of our club bylaws. This meeting will provide an opportunity for all interested individuals to contribute their ideas, 建立扶轮社目标, 为我们未来的活动制定路线图. We encourage you to attend this meeting and have your voice heard as we shape the foundation of our club.

Meeting Details: Date: June 9th @ 10:00 AM in Room 3420 at GCC

Joining Phish and Chips Cyber Security Club offers numerous benefits, including:

           1. Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow cybersecurity enthusiasts, 专业人士, 和专家, fostering valuable connections and potential career opportunities.

           2. 简历建设:参加社团活动, 研讨会, 和项目, allowing you to enhance your resume and demonstrate practical skills to future employers.

           3. 技能发展:参与动手活动, 实践培训课程, 以及关于前沿网络安全话题的讨论, 使您能够扩展您的技术知识和能力.

           4. Cyber Security Competitions: Take part in thrilling cybersecurity competitions, 无论是俱乐部内部还是外部, 你可以在哪里应用你的技能和展示你的专业知识.

We strongly believe that Phish and Chips will not only be a platform for personal and professional growth but also a community where members support and learn from each other. To confirm your attendance at the upcoming meeting or to express your interest in joining Phish and Chips, 请在6月8日前通过电子邮件回复. 埃德蒙森在 杰森

您是否有任何问题或需要进一步的信息, 请不要犹豫与我们联系. We are here to address any queries and provide additional details. We look forward to meeting you at the upcoming meeting and welcoming you to the Phish and Chips Cyber Security Club. Together, let's explore the fascinating world of cyber security and make a difference!








        1. 欢迎和介绍(10分钟)

                    a. 开场白

                    b. 议程介绍

                    c. 扼要概述扶轮社的宗旨及目标

         2. 未来会议日期(5分钟)

                    a. Discuss and confirm upcoming meeting dates for the next quarter/semester

                    b. 考虑任何潜在的冲突或假期

          3. 成员介绍(15分钟)

                    a. 请每位成员简单介绍一下自己

                    b. Share their background, interests, and why they joined the club

          4. 俱乐部角色选择(20分钟)

                    a. 介绍可用的扶轮社角色和他们的责任

                   b. 邀请成员表达他们对特定角色的兴趣

                    c. Discuss and assign roles based on member preferences and skills

                    d. Ensure essential positions, such as president, secretary, treasurer, etc.,都填满了

          5. 俱乐部章程(15分钟)

                    a. 检讨及讨论扶轮社的章程

                    b. 解答会员提出的任何问题或关注事项

                    c. 如有必要,允许对章程提出建议或修改

                    d. 投票通过章程或任何修改建议

          6. 网络部队比赛(10分钟)

                    a. 提供网络部队竞赛的概述

                    b. Discuss any updates, deadlines, or requirements for participation

                    c. Encourage members to form teams or express their interest in participating

                    d. Share any resources or training opportunities available for preparation

          7. NCAE竞赛(10分钟)

                    a. Discuss the National Cybersecurity Awareness and Education (NCAE) Competition

                    b. Inform members about the competition details, categories, and registration process

                    c. Encourage members to consider participating individually or as a team

                    d. 分享任何相关的准备信息或资源

          8. NCL明年夏令营(10分钟)

                    a. Provide information about the 全国网络联盟(NCL) Summer Camps

                    b. Discuss the benefits of attending the camps and the application process

                    c. Encourage interested members to explore the opportunity and ask questions

                    d. Share any personal experiences or testimonials from previous attendees

          9. 招聘(10分钟)

                    a. Discuss the importance of recruitment for the club's growth and success

                    b. Brainstorm ideas for recruitment strategies, both on-campus and online

                    c. 为成员分配特定的招聘活动任务

                    d. 为增加社员订定目标及指标

          10. 公开讨论及闭幕词(10分钟)

                    a. 允许成员提出任何额外的话题或关注

                    b. 解决任何悬而未决的问题或建议

                    c. 总结会议的关键决定和行动项目

                    d. 感谢大家的参与,会议结束

Note: The time allotted for each agenda item is a suggestion and can be adjusted based on the needs of the discussion.




全国网络联盟(NCL)是最具包容性的, 基于绩效, 今天以学习为中心的大学网络安全竞赛!
NCL的, 由Cyber Skyline提供动力, enables students to prepare and test themselves against practical cybersecurity challenges that they will likely face in the workforce, 比如从法医数据中识别黑客, 渗透测试和审计脆弱的网站, 从勒索软件攻击中恢复, 还有更多!

NCL 2023秋季赛程 







去 全国网络联盟 有关比赛的信息. 

国家网络联盟的标志由红色组成, 用字母“N”屏蔽轮廓, 'C', 下半部分的红色字母“L”居中. An image of a gray circuit board with blue components and connectors is behind the text, inside the shield outline with white cutouts of two people facing each other at the top. The words 'The National' are stacked on top of each other to the right in blue, capitalized letters with the words 'Cyber League' stacked on top of each other in red capitalized letters below.